

Sustainable Business

ISP TEK Services Corporate Environmental Sustainability Goals

Mapping the Road; Our sustainability initiative strategy


Sustainability Definitions:

The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. –Oxford Dictionaries
To create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations. –Environmental Protection Agency
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. -United Nations



We do Reduce!  We do Reuse!  We most certainly do Recycle! 



Our Vision and Mission


To encourage, promote, and work together to create a common approach and process on supply chain sustainability.

Strive to embed sustainability into companies’ procurement processes through our industry.



Why – Why is sustainability important to us?

Our livelihood is a sustainability business model.  Also, we live here, have families, and recognize the need to protect our environment for the flora and fauna and future generations.



Goal – What is our end goal? 

To seek and adopt practices that enhance our sustainability strategy.  Reduce waste and pollution in our world and promote the use of reusable goods.



Success Criteria –What does our future company look like?

Refurbishing and Remarketing are in our past, present and future. Recycling means turning an item into raw materials which can be used again, usually for a completely new product. Reuse, in contrast, refers to using an object as it is without breaking it down. Reuse is preferred over recycling because recycling consumes more energy.  We look forward to become more widely recognized and encouraging as an example of what is possible!


As Refurbishers and Remarketers ISP Tek Services are inherently Reuse Recyclers. Our sustainability roadmap writes itself for the most part, simply by the nature of our business.

Our ISP Tek Services corporate environmental sustainability initiative categorizes sustainability into three pillars: Environment, Social, and Economic.

We pursue the intention to become an inspiring voice of advocacy beyond the four walls of our organization, blaze trails of innovation while creating value for employees, consumers and the public.


How we change through developing and implementation of common activities & tools that can drive changes and impact:

  • Strive for Continuous improvement
  • Identification of new ways
  • Facilitate Remote work
  • Virtual and visual training = paper reduction action
  • Automation cuts down onsite labor and commute.
  • Custom make bulk cleaning product, saves purchasing multiple bottles. Many little things count!
  • Waste Minimization / Waste Reduction
  • Lean Manufacturing
  • Responsible consumption
  • Reuse & Recycling
  • Advocacy

Advocacy is the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal. Advocacy can be a powerful way for companies to effect real change in environmental sustainability.

We also recycle as many computers as we can, maintaining our NO-LANDFILL POLICY, and we reach out to schools, healthcare centers and other computer users encouraging them to do the same.Innovative spare parts strategies are part of circular business models enabling cascades after the end of production, such as repair and remanufacturing.


Sustainability Services

Our Zero Cost of Ownership Program provides personalized recycling and refurbishment planning, easy deployment of replacements, full-time support and management as well as secure and cost-efficient end of life disposition of all IT equipment. Covering the entire IT Management Life Cycle from procurement and deployment to end-of-life.


Sustainable Business

Sustainable Business

Sustainable Business

Sustainable Business